Books: Volumes 1 – 5
New! Volume 7: Rare tree species of Santa Catarina download
Online versions for download and printed books for donation to government or educational institutions may be requested.
Check the Explanatory note: Improvements of the forest attribute estimates per area of the Forest and Floristic Inventory of Santa Catarina.
Note: The version of Volume 3 that was already downloaded contains errors in two tables. The corrected version is available to download.
Corrected tables: Table 20.2 and Table 21.2
Volume I - Diversity and Conservation of Forest Remnants
Volume II - Semi-deciduous Forest
Volume III - Araucaria Forest
Volume IV - Evergreen Rainforest
Volume V - Epiphytes
(Translated titles; abstracts in English)
Volume 6: A Guide for epiphytes of the Evergreen Rainforest of Santa Catarina
(Translated title)
Available for purchase at Editora FURB webpage.
This book is a guide to admirers of this plant group; it brings up photographs and ecological information about 116 species of epiphytes.
Volume 7: Rare tree species of Santa Catarina
(Translated title; abstracts in English)
The digital version is available for download.
The printed book is available for purchase at Editora FURB webpage.
The book focused on the classification of tree/shrub species into different rarity forms. In addition, the population structure and genetic diversity of 13 widely used tree species that are also endowed with great conservation value were evaluated regarding potential uses and conservation.
Report – The National Forest Inventory in Santa Catarina (NFI-SC)
(Translated title)

This report was prepared under the coordination of the Brazilian Forest Service (BSF); it presents the main results of the National Forest Inventory (NFI) in Santa Catarina.
The book presents a synthesis about the extent and quality of forest resources in the state and addresses the role of forests in the lives of people living in rural areas.
Click on the picture to access the report.
You can also access the Publications section of the BFS website, where you can find this and other publications, including reports about the NFI results in other states.
Book – Linear Regression Applied to Dendrometry: an introduction and initiation to the R language
(Translated title)
It may be purchased at:
Editora FURB:; Livraria Cultura:; Cia dos Livros:
The data and R scripts of the exercises in the book are available here.
Book – The Biodiversity of Santa Catarina
(Translated title)

The Editora FURB published a book entitled "The biodiversity of Santa Catarina: characteristics, potential and threats" (English translation). It was organized by the researchers Lucia Sevegnani (in memorian) and Edson Schroeder to serve as scientific material for young students, as well as to create in them values about nature conservation .
It was funded by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado de Santa Catarina (Fapesc) and distributed to all elementary and basic school units of Santa Catarina and universities as well.
Click on the image to access it online or click here; this link will direct you to the FURB Library, where the book is available for free in PDF version.