News - 2018

The IFFSC signs an agreement with NASA

Thursday, December 13, 2018 

The IFFSC signed a data exchange agreement with NASA, the US Space Agency, valid for two new space missions, the GEDI Mission (Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation Lidar), led by the University of Maryland, and NISAR Mission, with technology developed by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), University in which the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA is installed.

The partnership consists in an exchange of products, where the IFFSC field data will be used to calibrate the orbital sensors of the quoted missions. In contrast, the IFFSC will have privileged access to remote sensing data from these missions.

The GEDI Mission, launched on December 5 of this year, is pioneer because, for the first time, it put in orbit, more specifically aboard the International Space Station (ISS), a powerful laser scanner with LiDAR technology. To date, LiDAR sensors are only used aboard aircraft. This sensor will allow a detailed monitoring of the terrestrial carbon stock cycle, focusing on forests, and modelling it facing climate change scenarios.

The NISAR mission will put into orbit in 2022 a satellite with a L-band RADAR sensor dedicated to capture data specifically from secondary forests. These forests have a relatively small biomass stock (less than 150 tonnes per hectare), but are relevant because they have a great potential to sink atmospheric carbon because of their rapid growth rate (~ 50% of the dry forest biomass consists of carbon).

"The IFFSC data are internationally recognized for their consistency, detail, quality, spatial coverage and periodic updating; it constitute the largest forest inventory database of (sub)tropical regions in the Southern Hemisphere outside Australia", comments Professor Alexander Vibrans, the coordinator of the IFFSC.

For this reason, the data are demanded by researchers such as the ones associated with NASA projects, the Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative (, the sPlot Global Vegetation Database (, Neotropical Tree Communities database (TreeCo , USP), among others. PhD dissertations using the IFFSC database are being developed at FURB (Daniel A. da Silva), UFRGS (Rodrigo Bergamin, Arthur Rodrigues), UFPR (Júlio Bastos), University of Reading (England, Oliver Wilson), among others.

Translated from: Notícias - FURB.

IFFSC data compose a global base of vegetation plots

Friday, November 26, 2018.

Studying plant communities on a global scale is a difficult task and can only be achieved if researchers in various parts of the world are willing to collaborate and make their data available. This was the initiative of sPlot, a consortium of researchers that aims to compile data from vegetation plots around the world to enable studies on a global scale. The sPlot currently has data of 1.1 million vegetation plots, among them are the IFFSC plots.

Arthur Rodrigues, IFFSC researcher and co-author of the publication Global trait–environment relationships of plant communities.

Last week, the first result of this global partnership came out: the study Global trait-environment relationships of plant communities, published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution. The work investigated the relationship between the functional characteristics of plant communities and the environmental conditions, mainly climatic conditions. Climatic conditions such as temperature and precipitation were expected to be good predictors of plant community characteristics, such as density of wood and investment in foliar tissue, for example. However, temperature and precipitation were not able to predict any of the functional characteristics used in the study. This led the authors to conclude that this is an effect of scale. This means that environmental conditions on a local scale (from 1,000 to 10,000 m²) may be more important in determining the functional characteristics of plant communities. These results have implications for the construction of models of global vegetation dynamics that should consider local characteristics such as fragmentation, relief and soil to predict fine - scale communities.

One of the researchers at the IFFSC, Arthur Rodrigues, co-authored the paper. He underscores the importance of the IFFSC project for understanding plant ecology on a global scale. "Among the sPlot plots, the IFFSC plots represent the largest vegetation sample area in Brazil. The investment made by FAPESC in the IFFSC project is fundamental so that we can know the vegetation of Santa Catarina, and allowed us to contribute to the advance in the knowledge of the global vegetation, "said Rodrigues.

Hippeastrum verdianum

New species discovered in SC

Friday, November 23, 2018.

Hippeastrum verdianum, from the Amaryllidaceae family, was collected during the 1st Cycle of the IFFSC in 2010. The collection was carried out by the biologist Márcio Verdi, on the cliffs of Serra Geral, near a waterfall, 550 m a.s.l.

The name of the species was created in honor of Márcio Verdi and the species was described by Henrique Mallmann Büneker and Regis Eduardo Bastian in the magazine Balduina. This journal belongs to the Herbarium of the Department of Forestry Sciences, Federal University of Santa Maria.

Other new species had already been registered in Santa Catarina, due to the work of the IFFSC. The discovery of yet another new species further reinforces the importance of botanical collections at IFFSC.

Check the publication about the new species: Taxonomic novelties in southern Brazilian Amaryllidaceae –IV: Hippeastrum correiense (Bury) Worsley, the correct name of the famous H. morelianum Lem.; and H. verdianum, a new species from Santa Catarina

Touring at the schools of Alto Vale

Tuesday, November 13, 2018. 

The IFFSC Traveling Exhibition ‘OUR FORESTS’ is happening in the schools of the Alto Vale do Itajaí!

In each school visited by the IFFSC, the exhibition remains for a week, so that students from all classes and shifts can have the opportunity to honor it. Students can access information on various topics such as: types of plants, uses of the forest, interaction between plants and animals, situation of the Santa Catarina forests, among others. Teachers, especially in biology and geography, have led the students to the exhibition during their classes, to complement subjects discussed in the classroom.

Schools from the municipalities of Rio do Oeste and Laurentino have already been visited by the IFFSC:

This week's exhibition is at E.E.B. Maria Regina de Oliveira, in the municipality of Agronômica, where it will remain until November 21. The exposure should then be conducted to E.E.B. Prof. Henrique da Silva Fontes, in the municipality of Rio do Sul.

More information about the Traveling Exhibition, click here

Interested in the Exhibition 'Our Forests'? Contact us: or by phone (47) 3221-6040

E.E.B. Vereador Alfredo Scottini

E.E.B. Estadual Mário Nardelli

E.E.B. Estadual Tereza Cristina

2nd Cycle: Measurements in the extreme South and extreme West of SC are completed

To date, 74% of the IFFSC 2nd Cycle Measurement survey has been completed. This corresponds to a total of 311 Remedial Sample Units (black circles on the map). To complete the survey, there remain 110 Sample Units (white circles on the map).

In some regions of the state of Santa Catarina, such as the Extreme South and the Extreme West (highlighted in red on the map), all Sample Units have already been remediated. 

The Decidual Seasonal Forest (FED), a forestry formation located in the western part of the state, is practically all resampled, lacking only four Sampling Units. With the completion of the EDF survey, due to occur later this month, the first analyzes of forest growth dynamics could be initiated.

Follow here the weekly update of the progress of the activities of the 2nd Cycle.

Friday, November 09, 2018. 

Map of Remeasured and Foreseen Sampled Units in the 2nd Cycle. Map version: 9 nov. 2018

From left to right: Adilson Luiz Nicoletti, Artur Bizon, Daniel Augusto da Silva, Murilo Schramm da Silva e Marcus Boeno.

Summer School 2018 at Campo Grande (MS)

Monday, November 05, 2018. 

The fourth edition of the IEEE / GRSS-Young Professionals & ISPRS WG V / 5 and Student Consortium Summer School event took place between October 29 and November 1. This event is organized by Brazilian universities with support and funding from the scientific societies IEEE - Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) and ISPRS - International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

This year the event was held at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, in Campo Grande (MS), under the theme Photogrammetry with VANT and Machine Learning Applied - Emerging Trends and Challenges for Earth Observation. The event is aimed at higher-level professionals, undergraduate and postgraduate students of courses related to the theme of the event.

Participating in the event are members of the Forest Monitoring Project in Santa Catarina (MonitoraSC), Adilson Luiz Nicoletti, Marcus Boeno and Artur Bizon. Murilo Schramm da Silva and doctoral student Daniel Augusto da Silva, who are developing studies in the area of Remote Sensing, also honored the event.

The event was organized in two blocks. The first block, which lasted a day, aimed to guide young professionals, through lectures and interactive sessions taught and moderated by professionals working in companies and teaching / research institutions. In the second block, which lasted three days, presentations were made by three renowned lecturers with great technical and scientific experience in the area: Dr. Farid Melgani (University of Trento), Dr. Franz Rottensteiner (University of Hannover) and Dr. Anette Eltner ( TU Dresden).

More information about Summer School 2018 at:

IFFSC in the Interação FURB

Thursday, September 27, 2018. 

On September 26, IFFSC members participated in the FURB Interaction, in which high school students from the region visit the FURB facilities and participate in workshops. These workshops are organized with the aim of guiding students in the choice of their professions. In the workshops, practical activities are developed with the students, who also have the opportunity to talk and ask questions with professors, academics and researchers from a wide range of areas.

The purpose of the workshop was to provide students with information on the fields of activity of the Forestry Engineer and to address the importance of knowing and caring for the forests. IFFSC organized the "Desbravando a Floresta", one of the workshops of the undergraduate course in Forestry Engineering at FURB.

The students had the opportunity to visit the structure of the Forest Engineering Department and meet the IFFSC laboratory. In addition, materials belonging to the Dendrology Laboratory (FURB) - fruits, seeds, wood discs, essential oils - were displayed so that students could learn more about tree species and their uses. At the end of the workshop there was a practical activity on tree measurement and botanical collection.

Follow the IFFSC 

Friday, September 21, 2018. 

Get your copy from Editora FURB.

Release of Volume 7

On September 20, the pre-launch of Volume 7 of the IFFSC, titled Rare Tree Species of Santa Catarina. The event was held at the University Library, Campus 1 of FURB. In the same event, the book Regression linear applied to dendrometry was launched: an introduction and initiation to R, written by members of IFFSC, Paolo Moser and Laio Z. Oliveira.

The Volume 7 represents the last of the volumes initially envisaged in the 1st IFFSC Measurement Cycle. The book was developed by researchers from the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB) in partnership with the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC) and the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). The editors of Volume 7 are: André L. de Gasper, Laio Z. Oliveira, Débora V. Lingner and Alexander C. Vibrans.

Through this publication, the IFFSC intends to encourage discussions on rare and / or endangered species in the Santa Catarina forests. The work brings a review on the rarity of the species left by prof. Lucia Sevegnani and the description of the method used to classify the rarity of the species. Also available is a listing with comments of the species that are classified in the highest degrees of rarity and in the fourth and last chapter of the work, there are 13 species with potential use and that are threatened with extinction.

The IFFSC is already working on the next volume, which will address the dynamics of the Santa Catarina forests, based on the measurements of the 2nd Cycle of Measurements.

The digital version of Volume 7 is available here. Also access the Books section of IFFSC, to check the other volumes, among other publications.

The IFFSC in the 171st Orchid Fair

Thursday, August 30, 2018.

The IFFSC Traveling Exhibition ‘OUR FORESTS’ is moving to another event! This time the IFFSC Exhibition, along with the Forest Engineering Department - FURB, will be at the 171st Orchid Fair from August 31st to September 2nd. The event will happen at Sector 3 in Vila Germânica Park, in Blumenau - SC.

Visitors will be provided with information about the IFFSC findings regarding forest resources of Santa Catarina. Seedlings and promotional materials of the IFFSC and the Forest Engineering program will be handed out.

The Orchid Fair will begin this Friday (August 31) and will take place from 10am to 9pm. On Saturday (September 1), it will be open from 9 am to 9 pm, and on Sunday (September 2), from 9 am to 7 pm.

For more information about the Traveling Exhibition, click here.

If you want to know more about orchids, bromeliads and other epiphytes of SC, you can purchase the book "Volume VI - Guide of the Epiphytes of Santa Catarina" at Editora FURB webpage.

Participation in a meeting about data analysis of the Brazilian NFI 

Friday, August 3, 2018. 

A technical meeting about data processing and analysis of the Brazilian National Forest Inventory (NFI-BR) data was held on August 1st and 2nd at Brasilia. The event was attended by specialists in forest inventory from the Executive Management of the NFI-BR, Embrapa, and universities.

The IFFSC was represented at the meeting by the project coordinator, Prof. Dr. Alexander Christian Vibrans, and the Forestry Engineer MSc. Laio Zimermann Oliveira.

The specialists discussed potential improvements and standardization of the NFI data analysis related to the quantification of forest attributes, such as wood, biomass, and carbon stocks. They also evaluated mechanisms for the disclosure of the NFI-BR data and results for different groups and users.

The information and image taken were from the Brazilian Forest Service webpage.

Monday, July 23, 2018. 

The IFFSC issued a new publication about rare tree species 

The IFFSC published the seventh volume of a series of books based on the data collected during the 1st measurement cycle, which was conducted between 2007 and 2011.

The publication is a result of efforts undertaken by a team composed of members of the Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB), Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), and Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) 

The book brings, among other information, (i) a review about the concept of species rarity, (ii) a description of the criteria employed to classify species into rarity forms, (iii) data on occurrence, dendrometric variables and uses of 87 tree species classified into the most restrictive rarity forms, and (iv) an analysis of the population structure and genetic diversity of 13 widely used tree species that are also endowed with great conservation value.

The amount of rare species is impressive. From all recorded species, 435 were classified as rare in at least one of the state's forest types. This corresponds to ~ 67% (!!) of the total number of tree species registered in the state.

To access the digital version of the book, click here.

Soon, the printed book will be available for purchase at the Editora FURB website.

Monday, July 16, 2018. 

A member of the IFFSC remains as the coordinator of the Brazilian Herbarium Network 

During the 69th National Congress of Botany (CNBot), which took place from July 8 to 13 at Cuiabá, it was announced that Prof. Dr. André Luis de Gasper, member of the IFFSC, will continue to coordinate the Brazilian Herbarium Network (RBH). The RBH was formed through the "Herbarium Commission" of the Brazilian Botany Society (SBB); it hosts a catalog that gathers collections of 218 national herbaria in a huge database.

Acting on the coordination of the RBH since 2014, Prof. André is one of those responsible for managing the herbaria catalog for promoting the dissemination of the RBH's activities and herbaria data, as well as for discussing actions for the CNBot. Currently, he also represents the Brazilian Botany Society (SBB) in the Genetic Heritage Management Council (CGEN / MMA).

André is also the curator of the Dr. Roberto Miguel Klein Herbarium  (FURB Herbarium), where the botanical collections of the IFFSC are stored. The herbarium was created in 1990 and aims to gather collections and stimulate studies on the biodiversity of Santa Catarina's flora. The herbarium currently has around 60,000 stored vouchers.

Click here to access the report.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018. 

Publication of the report - The National Forest Inventory in Santa Catarina (NFI-SC)

The report was prepared under the coordination of the Brazilian Forest Service (BFS); it presents the main results of the National Forest Inventory (NFI) in Santa Catarina.

The book presents a synthesis about the extent and quality of forest resources in the state and addresses the importance and role of forests in the lives of people living in rural areas.

You can also access the section "Publicações"  at the BFS website, where you can find this and other publications, including reports of the NFI's results regarding other states.

Monday, July 11, 2018.

Professor Alexander C. Vibrans (coordinator of the IFFSC/FURB) and Eduardo Pinho Moreira, the Governor of the state of Santa Catarina.

The state government grants resources to the IFFSC

In an event held on June 8 at the city hall of Blumenau, the Governor of the state of Santa Catarina, Eduardo Pinho Moreira, announced a financial contribution of R$ 300,000 to the Forest and Floristic Inventory of Santa Catarina (IFFSC). The resource will be granted to the project through the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação de Santa Catarina (FAPESC), one of the state's financing units.

Among those present were the Vice-Rector of the Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB), Udo Schroeder, and the IFFSC coordinator, Professor Alexander Vibrans.

The resource has a destination: to continue the IFFSC's 2nd measurements cycle, which is already in its 4th year of activity; it is expected to be completed in 2019. The 2nd cycle will generate data to investigate forest dynamics -- growth, mortality and tree ingrowth -- of forest communities within a 5-year period. These data will be important for modeling the changes in forest carbon stocks as well as their management.

Currently, 273 sample plots were already measured (66% of all sample plots). Follow the evolution of the 2nd cycle through the map.

Friday, May 11, 2018. 

Public Defense of Doctoral Dissertation 

Paolo Moser, a member of the IFFSC team, defended his doctoral dissertation on May 11, 2018. Paolo holds a degree in mathematics and a master's degree in forest engineering at FURB. His dissertation was entitled Statistical and Computational Methods of Forest Attribute Estimation and Classification Based on Remotely Sensed Data. It was developed in the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Engineering (PPGEA) of the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB), under the guidance of Professors Alexander C. Vibrans (FURB) and Ronald E. McRoberts (US Forest Service).

The aim of the study was to develop routines using different algorithms to generate more accurate estimates of wood volume and forest biomass, and to classify changes in land use through remotely sensed data. Paolo used data about forest attributes collected by forest inventories in the United States, Norway, and Italy, as well as remote sensing data obtained through LiDAR and multispectral sensors (Landsat).

The examination board was composed of Marcos Benedito Schimalski (UDESC), Veraldo Liesenberg (UDESC), Alexander Christian Vibrans (FURB), Julio Cesar Refosco (FURB), and Luiz Eduardo Oliveira e Cruz de Aragão (INPE).

During the doctoral period, Paolo participated in studies in the USA, in a collaborative research program at University of Minnesota in 2015 and 2016, whose goal was to model carbon stock changes in Amazon and US forests.

The first scientific article has already been published in the journal Forestry; it is co-authored by the researchers Ronald McRoberts (USA) and Erik Naesset (Norway).

Paolo Moser is also co-author of the book entitled Regression applied to linear dendrometry: an introduction and initiation to the R language (Edifurb, 2017). Get your copy in the following stores: Editora FURB; Livraria Cultura; Cia dos Livros.

Monday, March 12, 2018.

From left to right: Prof. Hua Yang (BFU), Prof. Sun Yujun (BFU), Prof. João Natel Pollonio Machado (FURB's Rector), Prof. Alexander C. Vibrans (coordinator of the IFFSC/FURB), and Prof. David Colin Morton Bilsland (coordinator of international relatinships of the FURB).

The IFFSC receives a delegation from the Beijing Forestry University

On March 9, the IFFSC was visited by two professors from the Beijing Forestry University (BFU) who work in the areas of natural resources monitoring (forest inventory and modeling). Professor Sun Yujun gave a lecture entitled Perspectives of forestry, forest education, and research in China for students of forest engineering, biological sciences, and for students of the post-graduate programs in forest engineering (PPGEF) and environmental management (PPGEA).

Professor Sun Yujun was accompanied by Professor Hua Yang, also from the BFU. During the visit, they learned about the studies developed at FURB. In the IFFSC, possibilities of cooperation in the area of ​​biometrics and statistics were discussed; cooperation in plant biological control, forest restoration, biotechnology, and forest improvement, were discussed with other professors of the Department of Forest Engineer.

The FURB's Rector, Professor João Natel Pollônio Machado, received the delegation to sign a cooperation term between the FURB and BFU.