
The IFFSC's methodology is compatible with the Brazilian National Forest Inventory (NFI-Brazil), although it was adapted to Santa Catarina's specific needs. The inventory is based on a multiple occasion systematic sampling that features a 10 km × 10 km grid covering the entire state. The IFFSC's grid is an example of its differentiated features the NFI-Brazil employs a 20 km × 20 km grid.

Sample plot selection was based on pre-stratification of forest and non-forest areas through satellite images. The sample plot consists of a cluster composed of four 0.1 ha subplots.

Pioneer systematic surveys of Santa Catarina's flora were performed between 1950 and 1970. They generated a large body of information and enabled the publication of the Flora Ilustrada Catarinense. This monumental publication turned Santa Catarina into the state with the best knowledge of its native plant species. The last quantitative forest inventory conducted in the state date back to the 1980s; it was made by the former Brazilian Institute of Forestry Development (IBDF).

Knowledge about forest cover, species composition and forest conservation is essential for the formulation of public forest policies. Forest policies embed both technical and socio-economic aspects related to the management of forest resources. In addition, they deal with the conservation of ecosystems in specific areas (e.g., protected areas) and endangered species of plant and animals.