System to Sample Plots Data Access


IFFSC Data Management System 

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The SINFLOR system was developed to store the IFFSC's data and to generate several estimates of forest attributes.

Users registered in the SINFLOR have wide access to the IFFSC's data. Non-registered users are limited to information defined as 'public' (reports, maps and information about the registered species):

The system allows the user...

Available reports:

Horizontal structure: Phytosociologic table (number of sampled individuals, basal area, density, dominance, frequency, importance value, coverage value, and maximum, average and minimum DBH values, as well as trees' stem and total height.

Diametric structure:  Computation of number of individuals, basal area, density, and dominance per DBH class, sample plot, sample plot-class, species-sample plot, and species-class.

Vertical structure – Sociological Position: Estimates the species' importance considering their participation in vertical layers; number of individuals per height class and species (canopy layer); estimates of absolute and relative sociological position., Natural Regeneration: Estimates of number of individuals by height class and by species (understory layer); absolute and relative class size and relative natural regeneration, and VIA: Expanded Importance Value.

Floristic: Occurrence of a set of botanical species and families in a given set of sample plots (canopy/understory layers and extra floristic survey).

Diversity: Estimates of species richness, Shannon (H'), Simpson (C), and Pielou (J) diversity indexes per sample plot.

Presence-absence matrix: Returns matrices of occurrence data (known as binary or presence - 1/absence - 0), or quantitative (number of trees, basal area, density/dominance) of species by Sample Plot (canopy layer).

Forest Attributes Estimates: Table with means and 95% confidence intervals for number of individuals, diameter, height, basal area, species richness, volume, dry biomass, and carbon per hectare.

Forest Dynamic: (in implementation).