News - 2017

Tuesday, November 14, 2017.

Summer School about Google Earth Engine at Santiago, Chile.

The ISPRS Summer School 2017 at Santiago (Chile) (11/13/2017 - 11/17/2017) focused on the use of machine learning algorithms for classification and change detection of land use and land cover (LULC) using Google Earth Engine (GGE). Members of the MonitoraSC project (Adilson Luiz Nicoletti, Eva Sevillano Marco, and Marcus Boeno) participated in the event.

The event consisted of lectures and interactive sessions supervised by Dr. Nick Clinton (UC Berkeley, GEE developer relations team) and Dr. Jaime Hernández (Universidad de Chile). 

The workshop was divided in three parts: 

All activities will collaborate to the development of MonitoraSC. 

Friday, September 29, 2017.

Participation in event about Remote Sensing at UDESC, Lages.

The YP & SS - IEEE / GRSS-Young Professionals & 16th ISPRS Working Group V / 5 and Student Consortium Summer School 2017 (02/10 to 06/10/2017) is an event organized by Brazilian universities with the support and funding of scientific societies: IEEE - Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) and ISPRS - International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Members of the MonitoraSC project (Adilson Luiz Nicoletti and Marcus Boeno) and master students from the Universidade Regional de Blumenau (Aline Renata Klitzke and Murilo Schramm da Silva), which are using Remote Sensing techniques in their dissertation, were at the event.

The event is made in different countries, and its first time in Brazil was in 2015 at the SIMEPAR/UFPR in Curitiba-PR. In 2016, it was made at the UNESP / FCT - Campus Presidente Prudente-SP. In 2017, the event was made at the UDESC / CAV in Lages-SC.

Due to major advances in Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) techniques, Google Earth Engine, and Multivariate Statistics, many remote sensing methods are being developed. These methods have aroused the interest of scientific and professional communities. Facing this context, the aim of the event was to present technical and professional possibilities related to these new technologies to help young professionals and researchers to direct their careers.

The event was divided into two parts. The first part, which lasted for three days, followed the model of the ISPRS Summer School. It aimed to transmit technical/scientific knowledge about the selected topic. The presentations were conducted in the form of lectures and interactive sessions supervised by renowned researchers and teachers from Brazil and abroad. Were at the event Dr. Norbert Pfeifer (Technische Universität Wien, Austria), who is an expert in LiDAR and photogrammetry, and Dr. Anselmo Chaves Neto (Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR), who presented the advances in multivariate statistics applied to pattern recognition and automation.

The second part, which lasted for two days, also followed the model of the IEEE / GRSS Young Professionals. The event intended to guide the careers of young professionals who graduated in the last 10 years. It consisted of lectures and interactive sessions supervised by prominent professionals who are active in companies, education/research institutions and academia. Dr. Héctor Hernández Jaime Palma (Universidad de Chile) confirmed his presence; he has great expertise on LiDAR and digital imaging processing through Google Earth Engine.

Adapted from:

Publication of the book entitled 'Linear Regression Applied to Dendrometry: an introduction and initiation to the R language' 

Tuesday, August 15, 2017.

Participation in the XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing 

Monday, May 29, 2017.

The XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing ( just started at Santos - SP (05/28/2017); it will end on 05/31/2017.

The symposium aims to bring together technical and scientific communities, as well as companies, interested in remote sensing and geotechnologies. The gathering enables the presentation of applied techniques, scientific researches, technological development, advances in teaching and scientific policy reached in the country in the last two years. The general organization of the symposium is being carried out by the INPE and SELPER Brazil.

The IFFSC has five participants in the event: Adilson Luiz Nicoletti, Daniel Augusto da Silva, Eva Sevillano Marco, Marcus Boeno, and Murilo Schramm da Silva; they will present posters and will also participate in courses and discussions on the topic. The participants are Forest Engineers involved in different scientific researches; three of them are involved with the MonitoraSC project, which was integrated in the IFFSC in September/2016; the project aims to monitor and map the land use and forest cover of Santa Catarina.

Their main goal is to add new information regarding remote sensing techniques and methodologies to the MonitoraSC project, and also to present the preliminary results obtained so far.