Santa Catarina – Our Study Area

The state of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil, has an area of ​​95,738 km², 295 cities, and approximately seven million inhabitants. 

According to the Köppen-Geiger climate classification, Santa Catarina has two climatic types: Cfa ― fully humid temperate climate with a warm summer, and Cfb ― fully humid temperate climate with a cool summer, defined mainly by temperature differences due to altitude gradients (0 to 1,822 m a.s.l.). The annual average precipitation ranges from 1,100 to 2,900 mm and is well distributed year-round. The average relative humidity ranges from 74% to 88% (Atlas Climatológico de Santa Catarina - Ciram / Epagri).

Santa Catarina is fully inserted in the Atlantic Forest domain, which has different vegetation types influenced by factor such as topography, soil properties, and climate. The main vegetation types occurring in SC are:

Evergreen Rainforest (ERF)

It extends throughout the state's coast. Typically, it is a humid dense forest with several layers. The palmiteiro (Euterpe edulis) is one of the most important species, although several species may occur, such as tree ferns, Ficus spp., Ocotea spp., Eugenia spp., and a large number of lianas, bromeliads, orchids, and other epiphytes. Originally, it covered 31% of the state's territory.

Araucaria Forest (AF)

It occurs in Santa Catarina's highlands, in altitudes above 500 m, especially between 800 and 1,200 m; it is adapted to lower temperatures. It is called Araucaria Forest because the Araucaria angustifolia is its main species. Nevertheless, it shelters several broad-leaved species, among them the "imbuia" (Ocotea porosa), the symbol species of the state. Originally, it covered 45% of the state's territory.

Semi-deciduous Forest (SF)

It occurs in the west of SC, near the Uruguay River and the borders of Argentina. In this forest, trees lose their leaves in the winter. It is a more open forest, filled by lianas. Important timber species are Apuleia leiocarpa, Parapiptadenia rigida, and Cedrela fissilis. Originally, it covered 8% of the state's territory.


It is associated with the AF in the state's highlands; it is composed mainly of herbaceous and shrub species. Originally, it covered 14% of the state's territory.

Coastal Vegetation ("Restinga" and mangrove)

The coast of Santa Catarina has a length of ~460 km. In this areas, the first strip of sand deposit is occupied by the Restinga. In turn, the mangroves are associated with lagoons, bays, and estuaries, which are subjected to tidal regime. Originally, the coastal vegetation covered 2% of the state's territory.

Santa Catarina's phytogeographical map (Klein, 1978)

Illustration of Santa Catarina's main forest types

The main results generated by the IFFSC relate to the three main forest types (ERF, AF, and SF) due to the larger sample plot coverage in these ecosystems. 

Klein, R.M. 1978. Flora Ilustrada Catarinense: Mapa fitogeográfico do Estado de Santa Catarina. Itajaí. Herbário Barbosa Rodrigues.